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About Us

Our philosphy " There are two types of pain in the world. The pain of discipline and the pain of regret! The difference discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons. Do what is required or spend your life wishing you did."

Raymond Webber

Owner and Performance Coach


I've been cut by every team I've ever played for,  whether it was due to injuries, roster moves, or numbers. I've had 3 surgeries and I've returned. Each injury I rehabbed;  after each "we have to let you go" I bounced back with faith and determination. The hardest thing I ever chose to do was hang my cleats up, not for lack of opportunity but for the fact I found something I loved more than football, being a dad. Being a father inspired and fueled yet another dream and passion, training athletes. I build young men and women's confidence and teach them first hand how to be resilient in a life that hands you nothing you do not work for. When I chose the name "MTAG - More Than A Game" it was because the things I've learned and the things I teach can be translated into all aspects of life.  Come train with not only someone who has been there before but someone who will guide you, mentor you, and teach you the knowledge it takes to be the person you want to be.

Teach athletes the fundamentals of athletics, sportsmanship and the importance of goal setting and perseverance in over coming life’s obstacles, in a caring and supportive atmosphere.

We will emphasize fundamentals, form, and technique. I will stress the perseverance, discipline, work ethic and dedication needed to achieve one’s maximum potential.

Stations will be set up to focus on speed, strength, agility and power. Every athlete will have an opportunity to improve their skills, learn how to develop physical strength, and understand the motivation necessary to succeed.

Here at MTAG we are committed to teaching your child the proper fundamentals of sports in a non threatening environment.
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